‘Encounter’ is our earliest service on a Sunday morning. The service includes time for testimony, interaction and God’s message is delivered in a more relaxed style. The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed. Prayer ministry is available during and after Encounter worship

Everyone is welcome at Encounter, however young or old! We have small room at the back of church which has comfy seats and lots of toys, just in case very little ones need to play. You can still hear the service from here.  For children and young people they stay in the service for the first part and then go into Room 3 for Encounter Children’s Church activities where they learn more about the Christian faith.

There will be many familiar modern worship songs as well as the opportunity to learn new ones with music led by our worship band.

Audio-visuals are used to enhance the Worship and allow songs, videos and pictures to be projected on the screen.

After Encounter, we overlap with people arriving for the 11am traditional service, and we have drinks and a chat together.