We are here each Sunday because we are all on a journey of faith in Jesus Christ. Some are taking the first steps, some have had lots of opportunities to learn about the Christian faith over many years.
But the point is that we are all people wanting to know Jesus more, because that is the basis of what we believe: that we can have a relationship with God through Jesus – that God cares about us, and forgives us, and speaks to us, and has a plan for our lives.
We don’t meet Jesus because we are perfect and live spotlessly ‘good’ lives. We all meet Him just as we are and hope to learn how to live a bit more closely to His teaching each day.
We are certain that He wants us to share his love with others – but we don’t believe in saying ‘God loves you’ whilst bashing people with the Bible! We want to share our faith through demonstrating love in the way we live our lives. We know that we don’t always get it right, but that is our aim.
What we do on Sundays is firstly to worship. That means that we are giving God what is due to God alone – our love and gratitude – and declaring how great we think God is. Second to that, we come to focus on God and to try to hear what God may be saying to us.
Sometimes it may be that we ‘feel’ God’s presence in a special way. Sometimes we have to work at the worship and the listening. But we don’t come for a ‘spiritual top-up’ but because worship is what God deserves and wants from us.
As Methodists, we believe that God can be found by everyone and that all who receive Him can have a fuller and more complete life (though not necessarily an easy one) and life after death. That’s quite a claim – but we believe it to be true. We are part of the Methodist Church of Great Britain.
If you want to know more, ask someone and they will tell you, or point you to someone who can help you.
We worship here using different styles – that’s because different people find different types of music or different ways to communicate more helpful than others. But whether you are joining us for contemporary worship, or our more formal and classical services or singing and eating cake at New Song Café, the message is the same…
God Loves Us All