Living Lent – Day 30

Read… Mark 12: 13-17

Jesus said to them, ‘Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.’ And they were utterly amazed at him.

Having spent several sessions this fortnight at St James by The Park helping with the Easter Experience – about 500 year 5/6 children visiting from local schools (what a privilege to share the easter story with so many young minds and hearts). I feel as though it is nearer to easter than it really is and I have spent more time thinking about the incredible thing that Jesus did for us.

During Lent we spend more time in thought and prayer and as I look at this days readings and prayer suggestions it reminds me that nearly 10 years ago 3 of my trusted Methodist friends from different areas of the Church all asked me to consider becoming a Worship Leader, if I had not had this prompting I would not even have considered Worship Leading and I thank God that he enabled me to take up this challenge and give me this opportunity to serve. Maybe for some of us the message for today is to open our eyes to opportunities to suggest to others things we feel that God may be calling them to do, this of course cannot be done in our own strength but needs prayerful consideration. I sense that there is power of the spirit moving and we need to be open to its direction in unexpected ways.

Loving God, help us to respond willingly to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. We ask this in Jesus name Amen

Ponder… What do you understand to be the meaning of ‘made in the image of God’?

Pray… FOR OUR COMMUNITY Pray for worship leaders in our church community. Thank God for their willingness to plan and lead in our varied worship services. Pray that they may be encouraged and strengthened in their work and that new worship leaders may be encouraged and supported in their training. FOR THE WORLD We all have ministries to fulfill, whether that be as a worship leader, an encourager, in services such as flower arranging or hospitality, or in listening. We pray that we may be open to hear and understand the ministry that we can each fulfill.

Act… Make some cakes and share them with friends.