Living Lent – Day 35

Read… Isaiah 42: 1-9

Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations.

Today we are asked to ponder how we, as a Church today carry out the call to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon. Also to pray for those who are bereaved.

Bereavement can sometimes feel like being in a dungeon. The darkness, feeling of hopelessness, loss of sense of purpose. This feeling not only at the loss of a loved one, although that is the greatest bereavement of all, but of health which affects our future, redundancy and, for some, even retirement. At this time in our Lenten journey we are very close to the greatest bereavement of all for the Disciples – Good Friday. The most difficult day in the year for me when l would like to hide away from the world.

Yet we know what the disciples didn’t at the time, that the sun shone again on that glorious Easter Day. Death had been defeated. Life would never be the same again.

As we pray for those mourning the loss of a loved one I am reminded of the saying “grief is love with nowhere to go”. Also none of us can truly mourn unless we have loved. At the sermon on the mount Jesus said “Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted” Comforted by love of family, friends but most of all by Jesus.

Ponder… How (and how well) do we, as the Church today, carry out the call “to open the eyes that are blind”, or “to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon”

Pray… FOR OUR COMMUNITY We pray for all those in our community who are bereaved. We pray especially for those who have recently lost loved ones, but acknowledge and honour all bereavements. We thank God for precious and loving relationships and pray comfort to those who mourn. FOR THE WORLD We pray for all of those throughout our world who mourn the loss of a friend or family member. We pray especially for those who mourn alone and we thank God for people who stand alongside others in their grief, offering comfort practical support and a listening ear.

Act… Make a list of up to 5 people you have met today and pray for them.